Wednesday 24 April 2013

Scatman John - Scatman

Back when this tune was a hit, it wasn't as easy to get hold of new music as it is today. Especially in a smallish town. Burning CDs just started to invade the underground scene, and while the hardware was really expensive, people actually started making a living by writing music compilations. The guy I used to get my beats from had a printed list you could go through and tick which songs you want to include on the disc. He then sent you off for an hour or two depending on the amount you've requested. You needed to pay up front of course. The price at that point was somewhere around 700 Hungarian Forints. To give you a reference of what it was worth: a pack of cigarettes priced around 250 if I can recall correctly.
Experiencing both worlds of accessing music, I'd say it seemed much easier to keep track of the new hits back then. You heard it on the radio / MTV, visited the guy and got it burned. It forced me as a DJ to have a crate full of music I actually chose to have as opposed to albums I own because I liked a track from it and it was easier to pull it from the internet in a whole.

Anyhow, Scatman was the new shit, so I went to the song dealer and got myself a copy. With a few friends we then listened to this non-stop. I still know the lyrics, lol! I know... don't judge...

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